The Benefits of Information Technology
The benefits of IT extend far beyond productivity as it is usually understood and measured. Not only can the application of IT provide better ratios of value created to effort expended in established processes for producing goods and delivering services, but it can also reframe and redirect the expenditure of human effort, generating unanticipated payoffs of exceptionally high value. Information technology can support inventive and creative practices in the arts, design, science, engineering, education, and business, and it can enable entirely new types of creative production.
Technology is so vast that no one person will ever have all of the knowledge about it and it will forever change as new research and developments are discovered. The world is an ever changing thing and we all have to learn to grow and adapt to that change in order to survive. In today’s day in age technology is all around us, phones, computers, tablets, etc. There is always something new on the market and that is one way to grow and change, a company can’t do new work on old outdated computers/systems when they should be doing it with the modern tools. An example is modern medicine, there are millions of solutions to things that couldn’t be solved long ago due to the technology and information gathering techniques not being vast enough, as they are today.
Today, I know that in the business and marketing world they rely greatly on technology as do many other people. Small businesses don’t necessarily have to use any technology if they choose not to, however in order to reach a larger audience in today’s society you nearly always have to at least have a besite/social media presence/etc. In order to be recognized. There are millions of ways to bring IT into your business and your life, to better yourself and your business or your job itself and seeking out company’s for these tasks is something that many should do to ease the burden on themselves. My suggestion is if you want to develop a new skill set, new audience, etc. seek out someone who can offer you end to end work and can see your project through from start to finish.
“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning” , Benjamin Franklin. So I encourage you to give those words meaning!